HeartSong Center Reviews

Kathleen McDonald has the heart of an angel! I was blessed to attend a HeartSong gathering a couple of weeks ago and Kathleen’s passion and commitment along with the safe space she created in the group, were both heart-warming and disarming. This made me feel comfortable to share my voice in a new and unique way that was liberating. I now see how my voice has been stifled much of my life, and I am grateful for the encouragement and support from Kathleen and the entire group. I highly recommend attending a HeartSong session, or any offering that Kathleen provides. She will provide a loving and nurturing space that will allow your heart to sing.     

Alexandra F., Coach


Like a gentle wind urging winged seeds to travel, HeartSong can carry your voice to the heavens.  

Cynthia N., Writer and Published Author

If you have not experienced HeartSong with Kathleen McDonald, I highly recommend you do. I had the pleasure of this experience and felt the energy of The Mothers of The World. It was awesome. I also traveled the inside of a Birch Tree from absorbing air nutrients to following the roots to the center of the earth and beyond. Amazing!  

Dawn D., Psychic-Medium

Check this out. I am glad I did. If you are looking to express yourself in a new way, explore your own voice. Kathleen McDonald makes it fun and provides a safe and sacred space for you. The practice has been so good for me. To listen and express the sounds that move through me is an interesting and healing gift.

Katrina D., Artist

HeartSong is a beautiful way to connect with your voice and your soul.  

Melissa M., Physical Therapist

I want to thank Kathleen McDonald for the Introductory HeartSong Session. Our time felt holy/sacred and I feel like I was able to clear “gunk” in my heart and I think my throat chakra is healing. During the grounding meditation, I got the image from The Little Mermaid where Ariel gets her voice back – her voice being the circle of bright white light that entered her, and her voice was restored. I am SO grateful for the Introductory Session and looking forward to the 4-Week HeartSong Session starting soon. If the 4-Week HeartSong Session is anything like the Introductory HeartSong Session, which was transformational, I will be completely different by the end of the 4-Week HeartSong Session. 

Montrece B., Insurance Administrator

HeartSong is like yoga for your voice. It feels like putting a paint brush to a blank canvas and just letting it flow, without a preconceived idea. It is a wonderful way to be both mindful and free at the same time. Kathleen McDonald is an encouraging, knowledgeable, and calming guide through this practice.

Samantha S., Educator

HeartSong opened up a channel of expression I hadn’t tapped into previously, adding another tool to use on my journey of exploring my voice.

Shari K., Administrator

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Kathleen McDonald on a one-to-one basis using HeartSong. Kathleen was able to personalize the experience to support my needs and guide me through some specific blocks that I was having about finding and using my true inner voice. With her expertise, she was able to help me to dissolve these blocks and nurture the birth of my authentic voice! I would highly recommend the experience of HeartSong and working with Kathleen. She will bring out the best in you!

Shelley S., Retired Teacher

Thank you so much Kathleen for the beautiful HeartSong Session. I was honored to join you and to learn from you. I was blessed by your beautiful voice and energy and the lovely beauty of the Session. I am so grateful!

Twahira A., Educator